Preventive Dental Hygiene
At Deco Dental we believe oral health is inextricably intertwined with overall body health. This is because the mouth is a breeding ground for harmful bacteria, which can migrate to elsewhere in the body.
Preventative dental hygiene helps prevent future dental issues developing. Issues such as cavities, the wearing down of enamel, tooth decay and gingivitis can be avoided with timely and adequate preventative dental hygiene and self-care.
Our dental surgeons encourage patients to practice preventative dentistry themselves by brushing twice a day for two minutes, flossing and having regular dental checkups at least once a year. As a wise woman once said, prevention is the best medicine.
If you're an existing patient, Dinesh or Raewyn will recommend you visit our dental hygienist if appropriate. Or, for new patients, please call 06 843 9064 or send us a message with the short form below.
Dental hygiene treatments include thorough cleaning, scaling and polishing. Cleaning involves plaque removal, which is the buildup of food remains and the bacteria that feeds on food. Scaling removes hard plaque and calculus/tartar. And polishing removes stains to leave teeth shiny and smooth. Based on your needs our dental hygienist will suggest regular dental maintenance appointments to ensure stabilisation and prevention of further concerns, as well as advice for ongoing home care.
This involves the use of custom-made take-home bleaching kits. To make the trays to fit a patient's mouth we take impressions of the teeth, which are then used to make a mould (tray). We then provide teeth whitening gel to use at home in conjunction with wearing the trays.